The Silver King's War
"The Silver King's War" is a podcast series (with episode transcripts available on Applecast) of World War II plays (The Silver King, Marauder Men, Serviceman and Who Is Della) based on true events about a young man, Stanley Silverfield, who joins the United States Army Air Corps to serve his country as a Martin Marauder B-26 Bombardier flying in the 9th Air Force. Stanley wrote letters to his family throughout World War II from January 1943 to October 1945. An exploration of his war letters, “Dearest Ones,” follows the four plays. The series concludes with a trilogy of plays, "The Silverfields of Northbrook," which follows the family's 1950s Midwest suburban life. Stanley, born in Birmingham, Alabama, on April 23, 1923, died on October 15, 1990, in Rockford, Illinois. He was 67. The Silver King is my dad. Please enjoy and share "The Silver King's War."
The Silver King's War
Stanley's Transition: Steel or Cardboard
This episode continues following Stanley's transition from soldier to civilian. It's November 1945. Stanley's enjoying his Birmingham return as an Air Corps veteran, and prepares for life in Chicago as a production engineer for the Acme Paperbox Manufacturing Company, owned by Lee Bernstein's family. Michael G. Sievers, the writer, producer & creator of this podcast series, reflects on his father's return, his choices for post-war life, and how history shapes a man's future.
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